A good match

Partners who were born together, raised together and until today, work together.

Mauricio always loved animation. Luigi always loved movies. Having grown up together, it wasn’t long before they realized that their interests could be a perfect creative match. Mauricio started working in design, art direction and character animation. Luigi was dedicated to film, screenplay and storytelling. One thing led to another until they formed the necessary alliance to produce their first animated film, “Mochica”, set to be premiered soon.“Mochica” provided the opportunity to lead a team of artists who now work with them at Polirama, where they let their creativity flow day after day.

Up to today, the brothers keep working together, checking out new movies, taking on dream projects and sharing life as people who get along so well usually do.

Mauricio Esparza Santa Maria

Graphic Designer in studies, Animator at heart. He has worked in animation for 15 years as Director of short films, and Animation Director for various clients in the medium. Post Producer in Media Networks (CMD, Plus TV), Director and Manager of new projects in Zeppelin Animation Studios (“Coffins” for the Peruvian Cancer League, “Everything will be alright” for Rímac Insurance), Animation Teacher at ISIL and UCAL. Mauricio has done everything and is now codirecting the animated feature film “Mochica”, where he is also Art Director and Animation Supervisor.


Luis Angel Esparza Santa Maria

With a Licenciate in Communication from the University of Lima and a special degree in Film, Luigi has been working for 15 years as a short film director and screenwriter, specialized in animation. Editor for various TV stations, screenwriter for several clients including Libertador Hotels, Mapfre, Media Networks and more, Film Professor at Toulouse Lautrec, ISIL and UCAL, free-lance post producer. His work has been concentrated in diverse areas of film, until his awarded screenplay for the animated movie “Mochica” allowed him to produce his first feature film, where he is the Director and Head of Story, supervising the storyboards, animatics and layout of the film, which is soon to be premiered.
